Tropic Marin Balling Set 3 x 1kg


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Tropic Marin Bio-Calcium Original Balling Set (A+B+C) – 3 x 1 kg

Quick Overview
The 3 components used in “The Balling Method” of supplementation
Allows independent dosage of calcium (Part A) and carbonates (Part B)
Sodium chloride free sea salt (Part C) maintains critical ionic balance
Stable calcium dosage = ideal conditions for coral/coralline algae growth
Individual salts dissolve easily into high quality, dose-ready solutions

Tropic Marin Bio-Calcium Original Balling salts are the 3 components used in “The Balling Method” of reef supplementation. They allow independent dosage of calcium and carbonates. The three part system adds calcium chloride dihydrate (Part A) and sodium bicarbonate (Part B), followed by sodium chloride free sea salt (Part C) to maintain the critical ionic balance in your aquarium water. This stable dosage of calcium creates optimum conditions for healthy coral and coralline algae growth, while allowing you to avoid the loss of important elements characteristic of inferior two part methods.

The three individual salts (Parts A, B, and C) dissolve easily in separate containers of RO (reverse osmosis) water, and the resulting solutions are ripe for dosing. Prepared solutions are very stable and can be stored indefinitely. The exclusive use of highly purified, pharmaceutical-grade salts guarantees the clarity and quality of the mixed solutions. Bio-Calcium Original Balling Salts are part of the only product series to be produced under the direct supervision of Hans-Werner Balling, the Head of R&D and Product Management at Tropic Marin and actual creator of the Balling Method!

Additional information

Weight4 kg


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