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pH/ORP Probe Module :: PM1
4 in 1 goodness with this module!
The PM1 probe module is just what you need if you want to monitor pH or ORP in your tank. And, there is an added bonus, you get an extra temperature port as well as six I/O switch inputs for use on ATO, feed buttons, leak alarms or whatever else you may come up with.
This module is perfect for someone that wants to add an additional pH or ORP port to their Apex System.
Great uses for the extra ports
If this is an additional pH port, it could be used for another tank or for control of the CO2 solenoid on your calcium reactor.
If you choose to use it for ORP, you could have the Apex use that ORP value to turn on and off an ozone generator.
Of course, you could set up audible or email alerts too if these values should fall out of range.
Extra Temperature port
Having an extra temperature port and probe is always useful. Some people like to put one probe in the display tank and one in the sump just for redundancy. That way, should your return pump go out, you would be monitoring the display tank and would see the temperature falling and know something was not right.
Want to monitor an additional tank?
With the PM1 you can easily use your existing Apex to monitor additional tanks simply buy adding this module. Then, just buy our pH and Temperature probes and you’ll be all set!
Six I/O Switch Ports
Purchase our optional I/O Breakout Box and you can monitor the off/on state of six I/O signals. This is useful if you want to set up an ATO (Auto Top Off), a feed button, or even a sump door alarm or light switch.
Features of the pH/ORP Module include:
- Monitor/Control pH or ORP, and temperature.
- 6 digital inputs for float switches, water on floor sensors, pressure sensors, etc.
- Full datalogging support in Apex Base module.
- Up to 240 AquaBus modules can be added to the Apex system.
- Plug and Play. Automatically recognized when installed into the system.
- Two AquaBus connectors for flexible expansion via AquaBus
- Led Status Indicator
- Upgradeable firmware.
- Compatible with all Apex systems.
- Galvanic Isolation for accurate and reliable probe readings.
- Comes with 3′ AquaBus cable.
Salinity Module :: PM2
Real-time Monitoring of Salinity
in Your Aquarium
Maintaining consistent salinity in your aquarium is key to the well being of every organism inside it. And, as busy as we sometimes are, we don’t even realize our parameters are out of whack until it’s too late. With this module, your Apex will be constantly monitoring the Salinity in your tank and will let you know the minute it is trending outside of the safety zone.
And, there is an added bonus, you get an extra temperature port as well as six I/O switch inputs for use on ATO, feed buttons, leak alarms or whatever else you may come up with.
Salinity varies with water temperature. This extra temperature port is extra important because, when used, it is coupled with the conductivity probe’s value to calculate the most accurate real-time salinity measurement possible.
Six I/O Switch Ports
Purchase our optional I/O Breakout Box and you can monitor the off/on state of six I/O signals. This is useful if you want to set up an ATO (Auto Top Off), a feed button, or even a sump door alarm or light switch.
Features of the Salinity Module include:
- Monitor/Control Conductivity/Salinity and temperature.
- 4 Measurement ranges (0-900 uS/cm, 0-9.0 mS/cm, 0-90.0 mS/cm, 0-50 ppt)
- 6 digital inputs for float switches, water on floor sensors, pressure sensors, etc.
- Full datalogging support in Apex Base module.
- Up to 240 AquaBus modules can be added to the Apex system.
- Plug and Play. Automatically recognized when installed into the system.
- Two AquaBus connectors for flexible expansion via AquaBus
- Comes with 3′ AquaBus cable.
- Galvanic Isolation for accurate and reliable probe readings.
- Led Status Indicator
- Upgradeable firmware.
- Compatible with all Apex systems.
Dissolved Oxygen Module (ORP):: PM3
Real-time Monitoring of Dissolved Oxygen in Many Aquariums is a Great Safety Net
Many marine aquarists only give the oxygen content in their aquarium water a passing thought, not fully understanding how the level of the Dissolved Oxygen (DO) in their tanks can affect their entire tank population.
In one way or another, everything (fish, invertebrates, corals, algaes, bacteria) in the oceans and in marine aquariums react with oxygen. Most of the living beings of this planet require oxygen in order to metabolize nutrients. Fish, invertebrates, corals, and bacteria ingest O2 and expel CO2 day and night.
Your critters are not the only things that use oxygen in your tank. Organic materials (i.e. Dissolved Organic Compounds, uneaten food and fish detritus on the bottom of the tank) consume a lot of oxygen as they break down. And now it’s even popular to add nitrifying bacteria additives which multiply very rapidly, consuming a large portion of the available oxygen in the tank water.
Of all the organisms in your aquarium, large fish are the most acutely at risk to low O2 levels. In some situations with heavily loaded systems, simply the failing of a skimmer can bring the O2 levels down to dangerous levels and cause a chain-reaction fish die-off . This is where the PM3 Dissolved Oxygen module comes to the rescue.
Get an Alarm and Also Have the Apex Take Action
Should your aquarium O2 start to approach the danger zone, the Apex can alert you immediately by audible alarm as well as send you an email. But, that’s not all. You can have a couple of air pumps with air-stones on the ready in your sump and the Apex will turn them on if the O2 starts dropping too low. Now this is what aquarium monitoring and control is all about! Yet another example of how the Apex is like an Insurance policy for your tank.
And, there is an added bonus, you get an extra temperature port as well as six I/O switch inputs. Purchase our optional I/O Breakout Box and you can monitor the off/on state of six I/O signals. This is useful if you want to set up an ATO (Auto Top Off), a feed button, or even a sump door alarm or light switch.
No Such Thing as a Free Lunch! (DO Probe Sold Separately)
While the cost of the Dissolved Oxygen Module – PM3 is very reasonable, the down side is that the DO probe itself is relatively expensive. The DO Probe certified and sold by Neptune Systems is a lab grade device and costs about 5x the cost of the PM3 module itself. That’s the bad news. The good news is that the probe has replaceable membranes so you don’t have to throw it away when it wears out like other probes. Instead, every three months you simply put a new membrane in the probe.
Features of the Dissolved Oxygen Module include:
- Monitor/Control Dissolved and temperature.
- 6 digital inputs for float switches, water on floor sensors, pressure sensors, etc.
- Full datalogging support in Apex Base module.
- Up to 240 AquaBus modules can be added to the Apex system.
- Plug and Play. Automatically recognized when installed into the system.
- Two AquaBus connectors for flexible expansion via AquaBus
- Comes with 3′ AquaBus cable.
- Galvanic Isolation for accurate and reliable probe readings.
- Led Status Indicator
- Upgradeable firmware.
- Compatible with all Apex systems.
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