Brightwell ZooPlanktos-L



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Brightwell ZooPlanktos-L

500 – 2Kµm Zooplankton Suspension for Fishes, Stony Corals, Clams, and Other Filter-Feeders


  • Provides zooplankton ranging in size from 500 – 2,000µm (2mm).
  • Ideally-sized for many stony corals, clams, tube worms, larval crustaceans, juvenile
    fishes, and adult planktivorous and microinvertebrate-predatory fishes.
  • Does not require refrigeration.
  • Supplemented with a proprietary amino acid to aid incoloration of invertebrates and fishes.
  • Formulated by a marine scientist.


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Additional information

Weight0.300 kg

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