Fauna Marine (Aqua Home) Nitrite/ Nitrate Test Kit


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With the high-resolution Fauna Marin Nitrite/Nitrate Test the nitrite concentration can be determined with a particularly high accuracy in the low concentration range between 0 and 1 mg/l and a nitrate concentration between 0 and 20 mg/l.

The details:

Measuring range: NO2            0 – 1.0 mg/l
Measuring range: NO3–          0 – 20 mg/l
Resolution (accuracy): NO2   0.002 mg/l
Resolution (accuracy): NO3– 0.05 mg/l

With comparator for an optimal color comparison incl. standard to check the test for function and durability
for determination of the nitrite/nitrate concentration in the aquarium.
Sufficient for approx. 50 applications

Additional information

Weight1 kg


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