Red Sea KH/Alkalintiy Pro Test Kit


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Red Sea KH / Alkalinity Pro Test Kit.

Element : KH
Accuracy : 0.025 meq/l
Test Type : Titration
No of Test : 75

All Pro Test Kits come in a durable plastic housing and use optically clear, analytical lab grade glass test vials.

Easy to use "drop and shake" titrator.
For use with all titration test with a high degree of accuracy.
Drop size of 0.01ml.

Robust coral skeletons are essential for all reefs and only acheivable by ensuring the basic elements Calcium, Magnesium, Strontium and Carbonate are readily available and in the correct ratio to each other. If they are not in the correct ration the coral skeleton can form as a fragile calcite.

Can also be used as part of the Stage 1 – Reef Foundation in the Red Sea Reef Care Program. The Reef Foundation Stage provides a complete solution for testing and supplemeting these foundation elements and allows the reef-keeper to take control of their aquarium.




Additional information

Weight0.500 kg


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